Monday 1 January 2024

The Power of Testimonials

 Google Analytics provided some very interesting analysis today.

I've recently switched to placing a testimonial page on my website.  While I often have some testimonials scattered throughout the website until about 6 months ago, I had never used a specific testimonial page and pulled all the testimonials into one page.

Analytics showed that the second most viewed page on my website was the testimonial page.  Wow!

People really do look at the testimonials.

Not only was it the 2nd most viewed page, but it was also the 2nd highest for time spent on a page with a staggering 9mins 49s as the average.

This is very powerful as Google uses time spent on a website as one of the criteria for ranking pages in the search engine.  The longer the reader spends on a page the more value Google places on it.

The most successful blog on the site is a foundation blog that has 18 minutes. I expect the foundation blog to have the highest amount of views as all the other blogs link to it.  18 minutes is quite high, maybe people fell asleep reading it.

So, my thought for today is are you using testimonials to their best advantage?

Happy New Year