Tuesday 26 December 2023

Online Entrepreneur - Building Backlinks

Today, I revived this blog site plus some of the Social Media sites I haven't used in a while.


It's all about building SEO backlinks to my websites.

Why Build Backlinks?

Backlinks are the lifeline that help establish how good your website is.  It depends on having high ranking sites that link back to your website and particular articles on certain sites.

For example - In the blog What Types of SEO Links Does A Website Need - I talk about internal links, external links and back links.

These links lets the search engines know that there is important information that should be ranked higher.  This in turn helps your website grow in authority and stature.

Why Use Google Blogger? 

Google is an authority site that uses search engine bots to seek out good sites.  It obviously sees it's own sites as good informative sites that meet the criteria for quality information and reputation.

This Blogger site has been operational for over a decade and I have established trust with Google for this site.

Reviving this site and creating backlinks to my websites generates high ranking sites that will help boost the new website authority.

What Will You Be Learning?

Each day in my updates, I will share some information about what I'm doing, why I'm doing it and the results I'm getting.  

Hopefully you will support both this site and my other websites.  After all, your input is as important as the links to the websites that I create.  Your click-throughs to the websites also play an important part of growing my business and continuing to supply the type of information you require.

Thanks for reading

Have a great day and don't forget to check out The Online Entrepreneur for more tips for building a successful online business.