Monday, 1 January 2024

The Power of Testimonials

 Google Analytics provided some very interesting analysis today.

I've recently switched to placing a testimonial page on my website.  While I often have some testimonials scattered throughout the website until about 6 months ago, I had never used a specific testimonial page and pulled all the testimonials into one page.

Analytics showed that the second most viewed page on my website was the testimonial page.  Wow!

People really do look at the testimonials.

Not only was it the 2nd most viewed page, but it was also the 2nd highest for time spent on a page with a staggering 9mins 49s as the average.

This is very powerful as Google uses time spent on a website as one of the criteria for ranking pages in the search engine.  The longer the reader spends on a page the more value Google places on it.

The most successful blog on the site is a foundation blog that has 18 minutes. I expect the foundation blog to have the highest amount of views as all the other blogs link to it.  18 minutes is quite high, maybe people fell asleep reading it.

So, my thought for today is are you using testimonials to their best advantage?

Happy New Year

Sunday, 31 December 2023

Make 2024 Your Year - The Year You Achieve All You Desire

 As we wind down 2023 and welcome in 2024 I wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2024.

What is your desire for 2024?

Many people set resolutions that they break on the first day or in the first week.  They say all sorts of things they want the new year to be like.  Yet, they are not willing to make the change within themselves to get the results they want.

Several years ago, I co-authored a book about Leadership written from the perspective of what your dog has taught you about leadership.

My focus was on how we learn to adapt and evolve to get the best from our dogs and how in business we have to do the same.

To achieve what we want in 2024 we need to change some of the things we are currently doing that hold us back.

Today, for me is a review of what I want in 2024 and what I'm willing to do to achieve it.

Happy New Year

Saturday, 30 December 2023

Understanding Google Impressions and Page Views

 What are Google impressions and why are they important?

Just two weeks ago, my website The Online Entrepreneur, was receiving an average of 130 impressions.  Suddenly, for the past 3 days it has been over 400 impressions.  Why has this gone up and is it a good thing.

As a content creator, just launching a new website it takes time to get the website high enough to get good rankings and people viewing the website. 

Many different strategies help your site get better rankings such as SEO Keywords.  This is what I have focused my attention on since launching the website along with creating content that Google likes and will index.

Indexing has proved easier than I first thought with most of the articles on the site indexed.  The ones that aren't, I've spent some time working on to get them up to scratch.

Impressions is the number of times my url links have been shown to searchers.

With the number increasing to 400 quickly it means I'm on the right track of getting my content and offers in front of potential clients without spending any money on advertising.

Another piece of data that was fascinating today was the time spent viewing a page.

It's quite fascinating that the second most viewed page with an average viewing time is the testimonials.

I created a separate page where I updated all the testimonials received from clients and peers. 

The average time spent on the site is 9 minutes 49 seconds.

I guess testimonials are still important.

Have a great weekend  

Friday, 29 December 2023

Change is Constant

Most people fear or hate change but change is a part of our everyday lives. 

From the time we are born until we die our bodies are constantly changing.  While we see the change we often don't recognise it in others.

My 14-week-old puppy is constantly changing.  I wake up every day and look at the changes in him.  He was 1.1kg when we rescued him. 8 weeks later he is 8kg.  He is going to be a big dog and the daily change is incredible.  Yet, we take it for granted that he will grow up.  We accept he will change.

This was the theme of a blog I wrote this morning.

The second blog I wrote was about the best online marketing strategies where I looked at how to market a small business online.

The topics included in the blog are

  • SMM (Social Media Marketing)
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
  • Content Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Video Marketing

The full article is available here

Building an online business takes time and a lot of content creation and being creative with content which is what The Online Entrepreneur website is all about.  A resource of information about building longterm successful online businesses.

Visit the website at

Mastering marketing for a startup company or any existing online business is the secret to growing a successful online business. It isn't as difficult as it seems.

Just take simple steps every day and your business will grow and thrive.  It doesn't happen overnight but will happen if you consistently create content.

Have a great day

Thursday, 28 December 2023

Scheduling Posts for Future Events and Bulk Email Changes


The Formula for Wealth Summit

One thing I love about technology is the ability to schedule posts.

No more having to go online every day to put out advertising posts for future events.  

A lot of my clients are attracted through Facebook.  Using the Meta platform I'm able to schedule posts on both Facebook and Instagram

That is exactly what I've been doing today.

The Formula for Wealth Summit is being held on Saturday 13th Janaury 2024 and I have been setting up daily advertising with posts about each of the speakers and registration details.

I also created an event for the summit which is bringing in registrations.  I was really surprised and happy at the number of people who have already registered.  It looks as if it will be a promising event with plenty of attendees.

Some amazing speakers are covering topics around building an online business, business branding, mindset for success, and investing in property and shares.

Email Changes

Changes are being made around the use of accounts and other generic email accounts for sending bulk emails.  Google, Bing and Yahoo have stated that as of the 1st of February 2024 changes are being made which will stop the use of general accounts such as

Each bulk mailing will now require an actual domain based email.

That has meant that I have to change the mailing list email that I use on Aweber.  Even though that account has been in use for many many years.

So, today, one of my websites was nominated as the site that all correspondence will now go through and I converted that to my aweber account for future email automation.

There is always something changing with technology and legislation to keep me out of mischief.

Have a great day.

Wednesday, 27 December 2023

A Blog and Some Marketing Research

A website host, online training platform and a brilliant community helping one another to succeed online.

Wealthy Affiliate is the first place I visit every morning as soon as the computer is switched on usually to see the traffic and sales results for my websites.  I also help new people by answering any queries they have or simply writing a blog.

This morning was a blog about repurposing and recycling digital assets.  Digital Assets are websites and email lists etc.

When you work online there are many social media sites and websites that become redundant but they can be repurposed for any new online projects.

For instance, I have a Facebook account and several Facebook pages.  Some can be renamed to fit the image and branding of the business.  Similar to what I've done with this blog.

The more time we spend online the more our knowledge grows and what worked 10 or 20 years ago evolves as technology evolves.  

Rather than create new pages or websites we can repurpose existing sites that already have a following leveraging prior online work to build followers.

Research for an Article
Online Entrepreneurs rely on content to attract visitors to websites.  That means a constant supply of articles/blogs needs to be regularly added to a website.

Today, was all about researching for The Online Entrepreneur website.  The new blog is about Online Marketing Strategies and includes SMM, SEO and SEM strategies.

The blog is part-written and should be uploaded within the next day or two.

The life of an online entrepreneur is about keeping up with latest trends, understanding the impact they can have on a website and applying them for the best possible results.

Have a great day

Tuesday, 26 December 2023

Online Entrepreneur - Building Backlinks

Today, I revived this blog site plus some of the Social Media sites I haven't used in a while.


It's all about building SEO backlinks to my websites.

Why Build Backlinks?

Backlinks are the lifeline that help establish how good your website is.  It depends on having high ranking sites that link back to your website and particular articles on certain sites.

For example - In the blog What Types of SEO Links Does A Website Need - I talk about internal links, external links and back links.

These links lets the search engines know that there is important information that should be ranked higher.  This in turn helps your website grow in authority and stature.

Why Use Google Blogger? 

Google is an authority site that uses search engine bots to seek out good sites.  It obviously sees it's own sites as good informative sites that meet the criteria for quality information and reputation.

This Blogger site has been operational for over a decade and I have established trust with Google for this site.

Reviving this site and creating backlinks to my websites generates high ranking sites that will help boost the new website authority.

What Will You Be Learning?

Each day in my updates, I will share some information about what I'm doing, why I'm doing it and the results I'm getting.  

Hopefully you will support both this site and my other websites.  After all, your input is as important as the links to the websites that I create.  Your click-throughs to the websites also play an important part of growing my business and continuing to supply the type of information you require.

Thanks for reading

Have a great day and don't forget to check out The Online Entrepreneur for more tips for building a successful online business.