Showing posts with label Online Entrepreneur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Online Entrepreneur. Show all posts

Monday 12 February 2024

Rome Wasn't Built in a Day, Neither is Wealth

Rome wasn't built in a day - neither is wealth is the theme for today's post.

Many people want instant gratification, with wealth now, income now and the lifestyle now.  But a reality check is needed.

We see and hear all these stories about making so much money in so many hours but it rarely works and is just a headline with a lot of qualifiers to justify why no-one gets the immediate results.

Creating wealth is about taking a series of action steps today that will provide the results in the future.

For example - if I want passive income coming in every month then there has to be something to generate the income.  Building an online business takes a lot of work, learning and analytics to get consistent income from the website.  Shares needs a strategy of investing regularly and learning how to pick the right shares to get the income.  Property takes time to buy and find tenants.

Everything is about taking time.  Time to learn, time to implement and time for the results to come.

What actions are you taking today that will reward you in the future? 


Monday 5 February 2024

Is Your Website Performing to Expectations


Being an Online Entrepreneur requires a website to rank high.  High enough to be on the front page of search engines (SERPs)  If your website isn't ranked high enough you don't get traffic and you don't get sales.

Recently, due to Google Algorithm changes, one of my websites dropped from #8 ranking and several posts also lost their #1 ranking.  The work has started to rebuild the website and content rankings.

Have you checked your website lately?

More importantly, would you know how to get the rankings back?

Online Business Mastery is a couse that teaches clients how to build their websites and create content that ranks well on SERPs.  It is FREE to membership clients of "Members Only" and "KNI Mastermind".

If you want to get those rankings improved visit

Wednesday 17 January 2024

The 3 Core Elements of SEO

Gone are the days of creating a website with just a sales page and expecting people to buy your product. First, your website will probably be lost amongst the estimated 250,000 new websites created each day.  Second, people expect more today.

One of the growing trends for search engines is visitor experience.  They measure how good the visitor experience to a website is based on several factors including

1. Did the visitor find what they wanted?

2. Was there sufficient information to answer their questions

3. How much time did the visitor spend on your website.

These are some of the tools that SEO addresses when applied the right way to a website.

This week's Online Entrepreneur Blog is about The 3 Core Elements of SEO for improving website rankings and sales.

Online sales for 2023 were 3.09 trillion dollars with a projected estimate of $5.06 trillion by 2025.  Being part of this industry is essential for business success.  You can't afford not to be online.

The Formula For Wealth Summit was held on Saturday and what an amazing day. The information provided was brilliant.  From tear-jearing overcoming adversity to multi-millionaires who have built their wealth and now help others to build their wealth. 

However, it wasn't all smooth running.  If it could go wrong it did including being hacked, having to change meeting links and a power cut.  

But the feedback was amazing.  I just needed a couple of days break of R&R to recouperate.

There will be a copy of the event available so still time to register to receive the video and some of the special offers.

Have a great day


Friday 12 January 2024

What Does Your Personal Brand Say About You?


What Does Your Personal Brand Say About You?

Today's blog Building a Personal Brand - Tips for Successful Branding we look at why having a personal brand is important.

Many people when starting their online entrepreneurship journey are scared about showing their face.  They often look for online businesses that they can do anonymously.

However, when you come to the forefront and create a personal brand online success becomes easier.

People like to do business with people they know, like and trust.  

Personal Brands let people get to know more about you, they either like or dislike what you do and if they like you then you start to build trust and trust generates sales.

In today's blog, I share some personal stories about my success with personal branding and why I think it is essential for success.

The Online Entrepreneur is a website of resources to help you grow your online business.

Education is another essential for growing your online business and staying at the top of your game.  Check out the courses available at Karen Newton Intenternational

Thursday 11 January 2024

Adapting to AI Technology


Arriving in my email box this morning was an email from Wealthy Affiliates my web hosting platform.  They started developing AI tools last year and today's email was to inform me that it was live.

So, I dived in and created my first AI post

Towards the end of last year, Wealth Affiliates updated their platform creating hubs.  The hubs are a management tool for generating suggested posts for your website, using keyword research tools and now AI will create the blogs for you.

So, a simple click on a AI suggested article, then written by AI and it was created.

All I had to do was edit it.  This took the article from 880 words up to 1500 words.  I added my own images; personal anecdotes and created the internal and external links. 

The published article took around 1.5 hours instead of the customary 4 - 5 hours.

I'm adapting to AI Technology - at last and liking it.

Wednesday 10 January 2024

Why Brand You is Perfect for an Online Business


When I started coaching, everyone was telling me I needed a brand for my business.  

It became known as The £2.73 Club based on if you saved £2.73 per day then you had one thousand a year and were able to invest.

Then people told me that The £2.73 Club sounded too small and if I wanted investors to invest with me I needed another name.

It didn't matter that I had spent a small fortune on £2.73 branding, website, event material etc.

I couldn't come up with another name despite working with a branding agent who said, your business name is unique and means something - this was not what my business partner wanted to hear when we had spent £500 with the agent.

Eventually, during covid, my business partner left and the business became Karen Newton International.


It is my brand, it is built around the things I've learned to build my wealth to what it is today.  Brand me, is the best brand for my business.

In Newsletter #029 recently released on The Online Entrepreneur website, I talk about Brand You and the benefits of making you the brand.

Joint Ventures

Today, one of the Karen Newton International Joint Ventures for property investing completed on their first property deal in Spain.

The property is on a Golf Resort at Condado de Alhama, Murcia.  A lovely central location for golf, tennis, swimming, going to the beach or city life.

Momentum is starting to grow and a second property deal is in progress which I'll be able to announce shortly.

Joint Ventures are a great way to get started as an investor.

Another Joint Venture is Share Investing - through our investment clubs we pool our money together and are able to trade and grow the pot faster.  We now have 5 investment clubs managing just under $1 million and providing trading opportunities to nearly 200 people.

Tonight I get to work with 3 of those amazing clubs.

Have a great day.

Wednesday 27 December 2023

A Blog and Some Marketing Research

A website host, online training platform and a brilliant community helping one another to succeed online.

Wealthy Affiliate is the first place I visit every morning as soon as the computer is switched on usually to see the traffic and sales results for my websites.  I also help new people by answering any queries they have or simply writing a blog.

This morning was a blog about repurposing and recycling digital assets.  Digital Assets are websites and email lists etc.

When you work online there are many social media sites and websites that become redundant but they can be repurposed for any new online projects.

For instance, I have a Facebook account and several Facebook pages.  Some can be renamed to fit the image and branding of the business.  Similar to what I've done with this blog.

The more time we spend online the more our knowledge grows and what worked 10 or 20 years ago evolves as technology evolves.  

Rather than create new pages or websites we can repurpose existing sites that already have a following leveraging prior online work to build followers.

Research for an Article
Online Entrepreneurs rely on content to attract visitors to websites.  That means a constant supply of articles/blogs needs to be regularly added to a website.

Today, was all about researching for The Online Entrepreneur website.  The new blog is about Online Marketing Strategies and includes SMM, SEO and SEM strategies.

The blog is part-written and should be uploaded within the next day or two.

The life of an online entrepreneur is about keeping up with latest trends, understanding the impact they can have on a website and applying them for the best possible results.

Have a great day

Tuesday 26 December 2023

Online Entrepreneur - Building Backlinks

Today, I revived this blog site plus some of the Social Media sites I haven't used in a while.


It's all about building SEO backlinks to my websites.

Why Build Backlinks?

Backlinks are the lifeline that help establish how good your website is.  It depends on having high ranking sites that link back to your website and particular articles on certain sites.

For example - In the blog What Types of SEO Links Does A Website Need - I talk about internal links, external links and back links.

These links lets the search engines know that there is important information that should be ranked higher.  This in turn helps your website grow in authority and stature.

Why Use Google Blogger? 

Google is an authority site that uses search engine bots to seek out good sites.  It obviously sees it's own sites as good informative sites that meet the criteria for quality information and reputation.

This Blogger site has been operational for over a decade and I have established trust with Google for this site.

Reviving this site and creating backlinks to my websites generates high ranking sites that will help boost the new website authority.

What Will You Be Learning?

Each day in my updates, I will share some information about what I'm doing, why I'm doing it and the results I'm getting.  

Hopefully you will support both this site and my other websites.  After all, your input is as important as the links to the websites that I create.  Your click-throughs to the websites also play an important part of growing my business and continuing to supply the type of information you require.

Thanks for reading

Have a great day and don't forget to check out The Online Entrepreneur for more tips for building a successful online business.

A day in the Life ... Back Again

It has been more than a few years since I wrote on this blog site mainly due to a change in direction with the focus going mainly to creating and delivering live training sessions.

2023, has been a tough year with the loss of eyesight, partially remedied by surgery and catching the dreaded covid, that left me with long-term covid and lots of associated ailments.

As a result, I've moved away from live coaching to more online coaching and offering online courses.  This has meant building more websites and getting back into content creation.

For that reason, I'm reviving the blog - A day in the life .... This is a daily update of what I'm doing to pivot my online business along with investment strategies.

Here is an update to what I've been working on over the past couple of months and from today the daily updates will be back.

The Formula for Wealth

I'm really excited to be launching this event with some incredible speakers, many of whom are clients.
The formula for wealth is simple - start an online business and invest the profits into property, digital assets and commodities.

This event brings together people from all disciplines who will be sharing their knowledge and expertise in their niche.  The event is free but registration is essential. You can book your place at 

The Online Entrepreneur

The Online Entrepreneur started life as a newsletter that is sent out each Saturday morning with a tip and action to help readers grow their online business.  This was so successful that it has evolved into a website The Online Entrepreneur.  

This is a resource of information about building online businesses that are SEO content-based with tips and tricks for building a successful online business selling your courses or affiliate products.

I started the website as a project when doing training with clients at the beginning of October 2023.  

It was designed to teach clients what is needed to get an online business up and running.  

Back in 2003, I started life as an online entrepreneur and moved away from it.  I love the experience of getting back into writing and building online sites again.

It's Not As Difficult as it Seems

For many people the thought of building online businesses and investing the profits in property, digital assets and commodities is frightening. They believe it is outside their ability, skills and knowledge.  But mainly, they believe it takes a lot of time and energy to do so.

A day in the life .. is here to show you that just some small actions taken every day will help you to grow your wealth, income and lifestyle.

Join me on the journey..