Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Share Investment Strategies - Owen O'Malley

If It’s Good Enough for Warren Buffett….

Owen O’Malley knows a thing or two about building wealth through the share market having over 27 years of trading experience. 

In this presentation, Owen looks at strategies for building wealth on the share market. How you can become a millionaire within 10 years.

In 2020, I was introduced to Owen and today through investment clubs, consortiums and private clients, Karen Newton International has over 200 people in our groups and investment funds of over $1 million.

Want to learn more about trading?



Monday, 12 February 2024

Rome Wasn't Built in a Day, Neither is Wealth

Rome wasn't built in a day - neither is wealth is the theme for today's post.

Many people want instant gratification, with wealth now, income now and the lifestyle now.  But a reality check is needed.

We see and hear all these stories about making so much money in so many hours but it rarely works and is just a headline with a lot of qualifiers to justify why no-one gets the immediate results.

Creating wealth is about taking a series of action steps today that will provide the results in the future.

For example - if I want passive income coming in every month then there has to be something to generate the income.  Building an online business takes a lot of work, learning and analytics to get consistent income from the website.  Shares needs a strategy of investing regularly and learning how to pick the right shares to get the income.  Property takes time to buy and find tenants.

Everything is about taking time.  Time to learn, time to implement and time for the results to come.

What actions are you taking today that will reward you in the future? 


Monday, 5 February 2024

Is Your Website Performing to Expectations


Being an Online Entrepreneur requires a website to rank high.  High enough to be on the front page of search engines (SERPs)  If your website isn't ranked high enough you don't get traffic and you don't get sales.

Recently, due to Google Algorithm changes, one of my websites dropped from #8 ranking and several posts also lost their #1 ranking.  The work has started to rebuild the website and content rankings.

Have you checked your website lately?

More importantly, would you know how to get the rankings back?

Online Business Mastery is a couse that teaches clients how to build their websites and create content that ranks well on SERPs.  It is FREE to membership clients of "Members Only" and "KNI Mastermind".

If you want to get those rankings improved visit https://courses.karennewtoninternational.com

The Ups and Downs of Property Investing - Shane Coyle


Shane Coyle, spoke at The Formula for Wealth Summit about his experience in the Property Market.

My Property Journey was a frank and open presentation about making money from property and some of the pitfalls.

Shane Coyle took us through how he started buying property and the mistakes he made along the way.  

How his first property left him with no money coming in and how quickly he changed that with the next property deal.

Shane has built his property business to sourcing, investing and property management.

With so many tips and ideas for property investing and finance this is a video you will want watch over and over again.
